Raleigh Schools Implement No Child Left Behind Act

Raleigh Schools Implement No Child Left Behind Act

Blog Article

Raleigh Schools leaders and teachers may be divided on the effectiveness of nationally mandated requirements. But theyre obligated to adhere to them. On January 8, 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law. Built on four principles,

1.accountability for results,
2.more choices for parents,
3.greater local control and flexibility,
4.and using teaching methods based on scientific research,

the act was intended to unite schools and school systems across the nation with one common goal; educate our children to the best of our ability.

In 2007, a new NCLB Act was set before the legislature, intending to reauthorize the guidelines set forth in the original law. Adhering to this new law, Raleigh Schools are doing all they can to ensure that no child gets left behind. In a statement made in July of 2006, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings had this to say:

“The NCLB Act of 2007 strikes a strong balance between preserving the fundamental accountability that is helping students improve, and responding to legitimate concerns raised by parents and educators.”

Able to see that even laws must at least be flexible to our changing world, the reauthorization affected by the government attempts to address these concerns.

Since the beginning the NCLB Act has shown sweeping effects on Raleigh Schools students, teachers, parents, and school systems themselves. The fifty-five counties in West Virginia (of which Raleigh Schools are apart of) are constantly and consistently evaluating how they are educating their students. To follow the law, Raleigh Schools teachers and administrators must look even more carefully at the types of learners they are working with and use teaching methods that will reach them all.

Serving 12,000 students, Raleigh Schools are working to create a unified, standards-based curriculum that serves as a map for educating these children. Raleigh Schools teachers have been involved in the organization and prioritization of the curriculum. This has provided an opportunity for a thorough examination of the content standards they teach. Knowing what to teach is a first step. Knowing how to teach the students of Raleigh Schools effectively is the next and crucial step that teachers must learn and implement in order to give their students the best education they possibly can.

To this end, teachers working in Raleigh Schools have received, and will continue to receive professional development (commonly known as in-service training) with NCLB funding. Participating in quality professional development has provided the Raleigh Schools teachers with the research-based educational practices necessary to meet the requirements of the No Child Left Behind legislation. Raleigh Schools teachers, probably the most enthusiastic of all learners, are constantly on the lookout to improve their skills and knowledge; the NCLB gives them the funding needed to continue this vital continuing education.

Currently there are 14 public Raleigh Schools and two private Raleigh Schools receiving Title I funding. Eligibility for funding is based the school’s free and reduced lunch count as compared to county’s average.


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